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How to Get Out of Low Ranks in MLBB: The Ultimate Guide

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Are you stuck in Warrior, Elite, or Grandmaster and feel you could be much better than your rank shows? You're not alone. The low ranks of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang are a battlefield of many players convinced that bad teammates, unfair matchmaking, or bad luck are holding them back. 

But the problem might not be your team or luck. Instead, it could be how you're playing the game.

We wanted to cut through the noise and get real advice from experienced players. So we spoke to Rockstar Alfii, a professional MLBB esports player, and tapped into insights from The Gaming Hub MLBB community to uncover the real reasons players stay stuck and what you can do to climb the ranks finally.

Let’s break down how to escape low ranks for good.

1. Stop Playing Solo: Queue with a Duo or Trio

What’s the number one reason players stay stuck in lower ranks? Rockstar Alfii gives it to us straight: Going solo.

“Playing solo makes everything harder. If you can queue with one or two friends, your chances of winning go way up. [And it can’t be just anyone] because random teammates are too unpredictable, and playing with them makes climbing way harder.”

Solo queue is a gamble. You could get teammates who don’t rotate, don’t communicate, or just straight-up feed. But when you're playing with friends, you’re instantly improving your team coordination, communication, and game plan execution: all things that can carry games.

What If You Don’t Have Friends to Queue With?

If you can’t find friends to queue with, join MLBB Discord servers or gaming communities (like The Gaming Hub) to squad up with serious players.

2. Balance Individual Skill & Team Play

Many players think they need to master one aspect of the game, either mechanics (landing skills, fighting 1v1) or macro play (map rotations, objective control).

Alfii says the truth is you need both:

“It’s a team game. You can have great mechanics, but if you can’t rotate or take objectives, you’re not climbing. It’s a team game, not a 1v1. [You need to] learn when to farm, when to fight, and when to play safe.”

How to Improve:

Here are some quick tips from the Gaming Hub MLBB community on improving your game:

  • Mechanics: Practice combos and last-hitting in Classic or AI mode.
  • Macro: Watch pro players to understand how they rotate and position.
  • Objective Priority: Knowing when to take Turtle, Lord, or towers instead of chasing kills.
  • Rotations: Moving across the map to help teammates or secure objectives.
  • Map Awareness: Constantly checking the minimap to know where enemies are.
  • Fix Your Weaknesses: If you keep dying, your map awareness is terrible. If you can't win fights, your mechanics need work.
  • Play against stronger opponents: Scrims, custom matches, or even watching high-rank games helps.

3. Pick the Right Heroes

Not all heroes are great for climbing the ranks. You need strong, consistent picks that can carry in solo queue.

Here are the top hero picks from Rockstar Alfii & The Gaming Hub community:

Best MLBB Heroes for Ranking Up (By Role):

Roam (Tank/Support)

  • Hylos – Easy to play, strong frontline, great for engages.
  • Lolita – Blocks projectiles, amazing for countering marksmen/mages.
  • Jawhead – Can pick off enemies and disrupt fights.


  • Hayabusa – Strong mobility, great for solo carrying.
  • Sun – Can push lanes and take objectives fast.
  • Melissa – Shreds enemies in fights.

EXP Lane

  • Gatotkaca – Tanky, good crowd control.
  • Khaleed – Can sustain in fights and deal burst damage.

Gold Lane (Marksman)

  • Moskov – High attack speed, strong late game.
  • Layla – Easy to use, huge range advantage.

Mid Lane (Mage)

  • Cecilion – Insane late-game scaling.
  • Luo Yi – Great for team fights and possesses strong crowd control.

If your favourite hero isn’t on this list, it doesn’t mean you can’t rank up with them. But these heroes have been proven to work in solo queue.

4. Stop Believing the “One Hero” Myth

A common mistake low-rank players make? Thinking they can spam one hero all the way to Mythic.

The Gaming Hub members agree:

“Most players get stuck because they only play one hero. They don’t counter-pick or adapt.”

If you want to climb, you should master at least 3 heroes per role/ lane. That way, you can:

  • Counter enemy picks
  • Adapt to team needs
  • Handle different situations

5. Use the Right Game Settings

Another of the biggest mistakes low-rank players make is leaving the default game settings on. Minor setting tweaks can instantly improve your performance. Here’s what you need to change:

  • Hero Lock Mode: Stops your skills from hitting the wrong targets (especially crucial for assassins and marksmen).
  • Target Aim Priority: This setting focuses on the lowest HP enemies first so that you can secure kills faster.
  • Minimap Size: Large: Gives you better map awareness, so you can spot all enemies wherever they are in real-time.

Fix your settings. It’s an easy way to play better instantly.

6. Learn How to Play Solo Queue

Solo queue isn’t the same as playing in a five-man team. You can’t always rely on teammates. But that doesn't mean you're powerless. In fact, you can still guarantee wins.

Here’s how to carry more games in solo queue:

  • Play safe early; don't take unnecessary risks.
  • Use your teammates as bait; let them start fights, then clean up.
  • Focus on objectives, not kills; turrets win games, not MVP medals.
  • Rotate with the best player on your Team: if someone’s carrying, follow their lead.

As one Gaming Hub member puts it:

“Solo players need to use their teammates like chess pieces. Don’t [overly] rely on them, but use them to make plays.”

Bonus Tip: Get the Right In-Game Resources

Need diamonds for heroes, skins, or battle emotes? Buy them fast and safely from the Carry1st shop; it’s one of the easiest ways to top up MLBB diamonds without any stress.

MLBB is a game of knowledge as much as skill. If you follow this guide, you’ll be out of low ranks before you know it.

Now, go break out of low-rank hell.

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