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MPL Whot: How to Read Opponents & Make the Best Play

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Are you tired of losing at MPL Whot? 

You’re down to your last few cards, confident you’ve got the game in the bag; then, out of nowhere, your opponent flips the script. Suddenly, you're stuck drawing cards while they dance to victory. What went wrong? Well, you didn’t read them or the game, right?

Over time, I’ve come to see that the whole point of Whot, traditional or digital, is to outsmart your opponent. The best players aren’t just concerned about their own hand; they predict what’s coming next from their opponents, control the tempo, and force mistakes. Basically, if you’re not thinking ahead, you’re already losing.

We spoke to Lord Jay, a pro gamer and community moderator for Carry1st, to break down how the best of the best in MPL Whot spot patterns, control the game and make the best plays.

How to Spot Patterns in Your Opponent’s Play-style

Every player has habits, and if you pay attention, you can decode their strategy. Lord Jay puts it like this: “If you watch closely, you’ll [easily] notice your opponent’s play-style. Attention coupled with IQ is needed.”

Here’s what to look for:

  1. Speed of play: Are they moving fast or taking their time with moves? Hesitation usually means they have limited options. You can guess what fast plays mean, on the other hand.
  2. Shape preferences: Some players hold onto stars or other rare shapes. If they avoid playing a shape early, that means they might be saving it for later. So, watch out.
  3. Reaction to special cards: If you notice that they panic after a Pick Two or Hold On, they probably have a weak hand. If they stay calm in situations like that, their deck might be so good they think they’re in control. Either way, it should give you an idea of how to handle them.

Master this, and you’ll start predicting your opponent’s next move before they even make it.

The #1 Mistake Players Make

Most [casual] players play the game too safe, most especially by hoarding special cards like they’re gold. Lord Jay calls  this a “double-edged sword mostly left to chance.” Why? Well, because while waiting for a perfect moment isn’t a bad strategy, it often means that moment never comes.

The truth is aggressive play wins games. If you sit back and wait, your opponent will control the pace. Instead, use your special cards early to disrupt their strategy and put them on the defensive.

Next time you’re holding onto a Pick Two or a General Whot, ask yourself: am I using this to win, or am I just scared to lose?

How to Recognize a Strong Hand (and Use It Right)

A favourite saying among the MPL Whot players I know is “not all hands are [created] equal”, a play on the famous Persian expression “not all fingers are equal”. Expressions aside, the best Whot players know how to spot a power hand the moment they see it.

Lord Jay says one of the strongest signs is a bunch of Pick Twos, especially across multiple shapes. This means you can:

Control your opponent’s turns by forcing them to draw cards.
Chain attacks; playing one Pick Two after another to bury them under extra cards.
Keep your options open; you won’t get locked into a bad move if you have different shapes.

When you get a strong hand, play it with confidence. The worst thing you can do is hesitate and let your opponent slip through.

How to Control the Game Pace Like a Pro

Do you ever feel like the game is slipping away from you? That’s because your opponent is the one setting the pace. If you don’t take control, you’re just there being reactionary.

Lord Jay suggests a sneaky trick: Switch to rare shapes like Star to disrupt your opponent’s rhythm.

Why does this work?

Fewer players tend to hold Stars. If they don’t have one, they’ll be forced to draw. This strategy also throws off your opponent’s strategy; if they were waiting to chain a specific shape, they’d have to rethink. Finally, it lets you gain control—forcing them to pick cards means more opportunities for you to strike.

If you ever feel like your opponent is getting too comfortable, change the shape and make them sweat.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it for tips on how to read your opponents in MPL Whot and make the best play. 

Ultimately, what’s the best way to get better overall? Good old fashioned ‘practice makes perfect’: play more games. Lord Jay puts it simply: “The more you play, the better you improve and the better you learn.”

But playing more isn’t the end-all-be-all. You also need to analyse your matches:

  • Pay attention to why you lost (Did you hold cards too long? Did you let them control the shape?)
  • Try tracking one opponent’s pattern per game.
  • Experiment with new strategies; switch up your play-style and see how others react.

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